Flight Crew Duty & Split Duty Calc
Let an app compute split duty and duty calculation.
Notice: This App computes flight and rest time limitations according to EU-OPS, which is superseded by the new EASA regulations. Hence, this App is only for reference and can be downloaded for free. Please refer to our app EASA-FTL which implements the respective EASA regulations.
Split Flight Duty Calculator
Stop these endless discussions with crew-control and avoid these embarrassing violation reports in future, because you inadvertently busted your duty limit.
Key features:
- easy and intuitive to use
- calculation according EU-Ops subpart Q
- Window of Circardian Low (WOCL) included in calculation
- Split Duty Calculation
- no ads
Please be aware, that local regulations and company procedures can further restrict the regulations, so never forget, that you as pilot are ultimately responsible for acting according to the regulations.